Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Goodness and Truth

Goodness and Truth

Eric Gill, An Essay on Typography
Wow! The beautiful women I have encountered this week have given me some great material! I won't cover all of it in this post because of time constraints. However, I did want to write a quick entry today.
The first beautiful woman I encountered this week was a woman who works at the local public library. I do not know her name, but as she was checking out my items, I complimented her red and black earrings. I didn't pay much attention to the colors of her outfit as a whole but I thought they were a cool shape. She thanked me and explained that red and black are her "power colors". "I always wear one of my power colors on Monday," she explained cheerfully. "Today I decided I would wear both of them." That ended our exchange and it doesn't sound like much, but I felt inspired.
I find it so easy to feel overwhelmed by the stresses of the week to the point of feeling powerless. But this woman reminded me that a human being is a powerful thing. A woman is a powerful thing. We only need to remember it ourselves. I am smart enough and experienced enough to take on any challenges that come my way. And these challenges will only make me smarter and more experienced, further preparing me for the next thing. 
Beautiful women recognize the strength and power within them. And they help others to find the power and worth in themselves as well.
Which brings me to my second encounter with beauty this week. My friend Kacey Werle posted the following statement on her facebook page:
"Was told by a barista at Starbucks that I am the politest person she has served in months. This little compliment made me happy because I make it a point to be kind in my transactions with people, but sad too. Why are we so unkind to those who perform a service to us? They make pennies and if their attitude is less than amazing maybe the person before you brought them down by being less than kind. You might be the nicest person someone deals with today so make an effort everybody." 

 What a great reminder! To makes others feel that they are less attractive, less powerful, or less valuable than ourselves (intentionally or not!) does not enhance our own beauty, strength, or worth. Rather, I believe it has the opposite effect. While I am never intentionally rude to anyone, I am often so focused on my own thoughts and world when checking out at the grocery store and walking across campus that I hardly notice the people around me. Well, we all deserve to be noticed because we are all beautiful in our way.
I will end with the same quote I began with : "If you look after goodness and truth beauty will take care of itself." 
So, my friends, know your strength, wear your power colors, and always be kinder than necessary 

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